What's the Big Deal About the KJV?

Important Issue or Fringe Heresy?

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About the Film

Vision for the Project

The basic concept of this endeavor was placed on the hearts of Sam Gipp and Jonathan Marshall during the King James Bible 400th Anniversary Conference at Hope Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio in April 2011. Their mutual desire was to present the Bible version issue in a unique way using cinematography.

Camera Hands Table

Who is Sam Gipp?

Sam Gipp

Dr. Sam Gipp is a former pastor, an evangelist, teacher, author and Bible conference speaker. He has the unique ability to digest large amounts of information and then present it in an analytical, understandable, format. His humorous, informative and forceful preaching style make him popular with all ages and keeps him in demand as a Revivalist and Bible conference speaker. He has authored numerous books on the subject of the King James Bible and other versions. His materials are available through Daystar Publishing.

Who is Justin Doty

Justin Doty

Justin was raised in a good Christian home with his parents working for over 20 years as the youth leaders at his home church, Treasure Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, ID. He received Christ as his Savior November 7, 1990, felt the call to preach in high school, and graduated with a bachelor of divinity degree from his church's Bible Institute in 2010. God gave him a wonderful wife, Amber, who grew up in the church as well, and a beautiful little girl named Abigail. He went to Christian schools from elementary through graduation where he was the only one in the school using a King James Bible other than those who attended from his church. On many occasions he had to defend his stance on the King James issue to students and teachers. He believes it would have been extremely beneficial to have had something like this project available to him.

About the Filmmaker

Andrew Garcia

Andrew Garcia is a full time video editor, cinematographer and motion graphics designer. He and his wife Kayla recently produced the feature-length missions documentary Two Hats. Andrew’s talents keep him busy around the country, yet he and his wife remain active church members and dedicated Christians.

About the Director

Jonathan Marshall

Jonathan Marshall was introduced to video production at an early age, watching his father, John Marshall, produce videos as a part of his evangelism ministry. At the age of 9, he acted in the full-length movie Pray for Daddy. The desire to use video for the glory of Jesus Christ has remained with him throughout his life. He is currently an assistant pastor at the Hope Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio under Pastor Rick Sowell.


Why did you make this film?

The desire in making this film is to help Christians understand the importance of having a final authority and to find that authority in the time-honored King James Bible. While many helpful books have been written on the subject, today's generation is still searching for answers. We hope this film will serve as a point of entry to the subject and foster a desire in the heart of the viewer to be able to say, "I believe the Bible I hold in my hand is the inspired Word of God!".

When does the next episode come out?

We will be filming May 21-25, 2012. The next episode(s) being available in early June 2012. Our goal is to film 2-3 episodes at a time, producing a total of around 10 episodes. If you would like to assist us in this endeavor, please visit this website.

Why do we make an issue out of using the KJV?

To the average English-speaking Christian, it is simply a “rabbit trail” to argue for one Bible version over another. Many consider it to be “divisive” to the Body of Christ. The truth is, as recently as 100 years ago the King James Bible was used exclusively by the vast majority of Christians who believed it to be the perfect Word of God. We believe that if it ever was inerrant, it remains so to this day.

In Psalm 12:6-7 God promised to preserve His pure Word forever. Thus, there must exist somewhere on the earth today a complete and inerrant Bible. The question every Christian must answer is this, “Where is the Final Authority of God’s Word, uncorrupted, complete, and accessible?” No other book but the King James Version fits all the requirements. It was produced by the most potent collection of 54 English scholars ever assembled, at a time when the English language was at its zenith. It has simultaneously withstood the scrutiny and attacks of its enemies, sparked the flames of hundreds of revivals, inspired more missionaries than any other Bible in church history, and comforted the hearts of struggling saints for over 400 years. And all without a copyright.

Why the KJV and not another English version?

Still waiting on the text for this one.

I have a lot of questions about the KJV. Where can I find answers?

The issue of a perfect Bible is not simply a mathematical equation or scholastic endeavor. Every Christian must accept that God's Word is inerrant on the basis of faith, since God demands faith from any man who desires to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). However, the stance that the King James Bible is perfect is not a position of ignorance. It is a well-studied position, with support from both history and scholarship.

A great place to start would be The Answer Book by Sam Gipp, which is available in its entirety for free online. You can also browse his website for a helpful books by a variety of authors. Some of the bestsellers are Gipp’s Understandable History of the Bible and A Charted History of the Bible.

The following sermons on the King James Bible issue were preached at the 400th Year Anniversary of the KJV Conference in April 2011 at the Hope Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio.


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